
Google Docs & Spreadsheets with Blogger (Beta) problem.

I was unable to directly post a "Google Doc" document to my google blog (beta). When I configure my blog settings as "Provider=Blogger.com(beta version)", "Test" is ok, but on "Post to blog" I receive:
"beta.blogger.com/api/RPC2?rnd...=... does not appear to be valid url"
When I configure my blog settings as described http://tecnirvana.blogspot.com/2006/10/publishing-to-blogger-beta-using-google.html
"Test" is ok, but on "Post to blog" I receive:"beta.blogger.com/api?rnd...=... does not appear to be valid url"
I look through last month posts in " Google Docs & Spreadsheets Help Group > This isn't working right (Something is Broken) ", but nobody reported this problem. Have anyone any idea? Update: I find the cause of this bug http://stas-fomin.blogspot.com/2006/12/bug-docs-to-blogger.html

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